Fannie C. Harris Youth Center Branded Environment

Scope of Work:
Wall graphics and wraps, custom printed frost privacy film, stair risers, fabricated wood and steel lobby sign and donor wall.
Project Size:
Youth door rooms, common areas and donor wall.
Fannie C. Harris Youth Center

The Fannie C. Harris Youth Center, an extension of the After 8 to Educate collaborative, offers residential services, a 24/7 drop-in center for support with meals, showers and laundry, academic, social and emotional support services and urgent assistance for 14-21 year old homeless youth. With a focus on bringing color and life to the space, our team designed wall wraps, inspirational quote graphics, custom privacy film for conference and counseling rooms, and fabricated a donor wall and lobby sign using wood from the historic building’s previous elementary school auditorium stage. Our goal was donate our time, skill and materials to capture the history of the building and organization while creating an inspiring space where vulnerable youth are given the opportunity and support to dream about their future.

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